Make a cash donation
Every pound you donate will go towards bringing the very best artists and arts projects to the Holme Valley. You can donate a monthly amount or make a single donation by text or by clicking one of our donate buttons.
Click the DONATE Logo or green button or QR code to donate an amount of your choice
Donate by Text
Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see www.easydonate.org
Become a business sponsor
Our Festival needs money to pay for artists, production costs and to bring an extensive community engagement programme to our local communities at little or no charge. If you run a local business and would like to sponsor our Festival, please email: director@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk. You can sponsor the Festival in general, a concert in the programme or a community engagement project. All donations are gratefully received and your logo is included on our website and all Festival promotional material, including our brochure which has an 8,000 print run.
Donate a venue, skills or time
Are you able to offer a venue free of charge (or at reduced cost), or can you volunteer time or a skill such as providing administrative or marketing support, stewarding, helping to hang site decorations or anything else you think might be useful to us? In return, we will thank you on our website and in our programme. Email: manager@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk to find out how you can get involved, or speak to one of our team during the festival.
Holmfirth Arts Festival is looking to recruit new Trustees to join our Board of Directors to help oversee the strategic direction and governance of this charitable company. This is an exciting time to become involved with the festival as we enter our next three years of activities in Holmfirth and the Holme Valley. ​
Previous experience on a board is not necessary, training and support will be provided.
We appreciate that accessible and inclusive boards make better decisions and we would like our board to be representative of the communities we support. That is why we are actively seeking to recruit a diverse group of trustees. Of particular interest at the present time are new trustees that are under 50 years old or have one or more protected characteristics.
Click the JOIN OUR BOARD button above or here for more information
Alternatively contact Trustees@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk
Become a Festival Supporter
Our Festival Supporters are an important part of the Festival team. They are an energetic and enthusiastic group of local people, of all ages, who meet regularly to involve themselves in all aspects of the Festival and to put on bi-monthly programme of concerts in local village halls that raise money for the Festival. If you would like to get involved with the Supporters’ Group as a volunteer we would love to hear from you, either to help us year-round or to volunteer to work on specific events. Whatever your availability and interests, we can offer you a rewarding and fun experience. Email: gretabradley@btinternet.com to find out how you can get involved, or speak to one of our team during the festival.
See who we are